Monday, May 25, 2009

What Fills My Days (Alternate Title: Why My Poor Blog Is So Neglected)

Waffle and strawberry breakfasts. Deep cleaning counters and floors. Tickling babies. Learning (and relearning) patience. Nature walks. Grilling. Root Canal. Frisbee with my boys. Bedtime rides at night to see the horses. Letting go. Gardening. Decorating. Ignoring laundry. Feeling overwhelmed by laundry. Washing laundry in a panic. Ignoring laundry again. Watching baby bunnies and chipmunks in the yard. Playing in sand and water. Round ligament pains. An upcoming eighth grade graduation. Joining a new Parish. Ice cream. Talking less. Playdates with some good friends. Birdwatching. Reorganizing. Wasting time on facebook. Playing with the kids. Nights on the deck with my hubby. Dreaming. Laughing my head off over things kids do. Getting angry over things kids do. Wishing for fireflies. Calling the exterminator about some ants. Cleaning the truck with Dan and my dad. Family projects. Praying. Trying. Knitting again. Forgiving. Seeking God's will. Setting up routines.Laying out in the sun. Kissing and hugging. Hopefully growing...and...becoming.....


  1. Praised be Jesus Christ!
    now and forever!

    I like the rambling nature of the post..
    I do things like that,
    God bless,
